30+Some General Knowledge Questions

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Some General Knowledge Questions
Some General Knowledge Questions

Hello friends, are you looking for Some General Knowledge Questions. Then you have Come to the right Place. You will get 40 Important General Knowledge Questions and their Answers in this Post. Be it a Competitive Exam or your Daily Routine, it is important that you have a Little bit of Knowledge On top of General Knowledge or Current Affairs. The Questions Given in this Post will not only help you in Competitive Exams but also in your Daily Life. 40 important Questions that will Enhance your Knowledge. And your Knowledge will increase. If you Like these Questions and find them useful then Definitely Follow Our blog. And visit Daily.

Some General Knowledge Questions

Q. What is the Only Planet in our Solar System that Rotates on its Side?

Ans- Uranus. युरेनस 

Q. Which Country’s Flag features a Cedar Tree?

Ans- Lebanon.  लेबनॉन 

Q. What is the Collective noun for a Group of Flamingos?

Ans- A Flamboyance.

Q. What is the Hardest Rock on Earth?

Ans Diamond.

Q. What is the World’s Longest Mountain range Underwater?

Ans- The Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Which Animal is Known for its Distinctive Laugh like Call and is Native to Australia?

Ans – Kookaburra.

Q. Who Was the First Woman to Win a Nobel Prize?

Ans- Marie Curie, मेरी क्युरी  in Physics, in 1903.

Q. Which Bird is the Only One Capable of Flying Backwards?

Ans- Hummingbird. हमिंगबर्ड 

Q. What is the Rarest Blood Type Among Humans?

Ans- AB negative. 

Q. What is the Only Letter that does not Appear in the name of any US State?

Ans- Q.

Q. What is the Oldest Continuously Inhabited City in the World? 

 Ans- Damascus, Syria.(दमास्कस, सीरिया)

Q. Who is the Current Secretary General of the United Nations?

Ans – Antonio Guterres (2023)

Q. What is the Largest Technology Company by Revenue as of 2023?

Ans – Apple Inc

Q. In which Year Did the Berlin Wall fall?

Ans – 1989

Q. What is the National Dance of Brazil?

Ans – Samba

Q. Who is Known as the “King of Pop”?

Ans – Michael Jackson (मायकल जॅक्सन) 

Q. What does HTTP Stand for in Website Addresses?

Ans – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (हायपर टेक्स्ट ट्रान्सफर प्रोटोकॉल )

Q. Which Artist is Known for the Painting “The Starry Night”?

Ans – Vincent Van Gogh

Q. What is the Longest River in the United States?

Ans – Missouri River

Q. Who Was the First Emperor of China?

Ans – Qin Shi Huang

Q. Who Won the NBA Championship in 2020?

Ans – Los Angeles Lakers

Q. What Does RAM (रॅम) Stand for in Computing?

Ans – Random Access Memory ( रँडम एक्सेस मेमरी)

Q. Which Country Won the First FIFA World Cup in 1930?

Ans – Uruguay (उरुग्वे )

Q. What is the Tallest Building in the World As of 2023?

Ans – Burj Khalifa (बुर्ज खलिफा )

Q. Which Country Has the Most time Zones?

Ans – France (फ्रान्स )

Q. What Was the First Book Ever Printed Using a Movable type?

Ans – The Gutenberg Bible (द गुटेनबर्ग बायबल )

Q. Which Ancient Civilization Built the Machu Picchu Complex in Peru?

Ans – The Incas

Q. Which Scientist is Known for the Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Mechanics?

Ans – Werner Heisenberg.

Q. What Was the Name of the First Artificial Earth Satellite Launched by the Soviet Union in 1957?

Ans – Sputnik 1 

Q. Who is the Prime Minister of Canada as of 2023?

Ans – Justin Trudeau.

Which Organ of the Human Body Regenerates the Fastest?

Ans – Liver

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