60 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

Hello friends above 60 General Knowledge Questions with Answers it is useful in almost all competitive exams as well as in our daily life. Generally speaking, General Knowledge is an integral part of our life. General Knowledge should be possessed by every person. General Knowledge is a Subject that has a huge Scope. No matter how much you Study General knowledge, it is less.

So every competitive exam has its own study pattern made According to that Exam. The questions are asked accordingly. But sometimes the questions may come out of that pattern and you must know how important each mark is in competitive exams. That’s why today I have come with 60 General Knowledge Questions with Answers important and few questions of General Knowledge in this today’s post. Hope these questions will definitely help you in the exam.

60 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

60 General Knowledge Questions with Answers

  1. Which Country (देशाची ) is the capital of France?
    Answer: Paris पॅरिस
  2. Who wrote the famous play “Romeo and Juliet”? रोमिओ आणि ज्युलियट
    Answer: William Shakespeare
  3. What is the chemical symbol for water?
    Answer: H2O
  4. Which two elements make up water?
    Answer: Hydrogen and oxygen (H2O) हायड्रोजन आणि ऑक्सिजन
  5. Which mammal is known for having the longest lifespan?
    Answer: Bowhead whale
  6. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
    Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
  7. What is the currency of Japan?
    Answer: Japanese yen जापनीज येन
  8. What is the tallest mountain in the world?
    Answer: Mount Everest माउंट एवरेस्ट
  9. In which year did World War I begin?
    Answer: 1914
  10. What is the chemical symbol for gold?
    Answer: Au
  11. Do you know ?What is the rarest blood type among humans?
    Answer: AB-negative
  12. What is the largest ocean on Earth?
    Answer: Pacific Ocean पॅसिफिक समुद्र
  13. What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
    Answer: Avocado
  14. Who wrote the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
    Answer: Harper Lee
  15. What is the capital of Spain?
    Answer: Madrid माद्रिद
  16. What is the chemical symbol for iron?
    Answer: Fe
  17. You know, Which country is both an island and a continent?
    Answer: Australia
  18. Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
    Answer: Margaret Thatcher
  19. What is the national flower of Japan? जपान या देशाचे राष्ट्रीय फूल.
    Answer: Cherry blossom
  20. Who painted “The Starry Night”?
    Answer: Vincent van Gogh
  21. U know, What is the tallest breed of dog in the world?
    Answer: The Irish Wolfhound
  22. Who wrote “The Great Gatsby”?
    Answer: F. Scott Fitzgerald
  23. What is the currency of China?
    Answer: Chinese yuan चायनीज युआन
  24. Which gas do plants absorb during photosynthesis?
    Answer: Carbon dioxide कार्बन डाय-ऑक्साइड
  25. Who was the founder of Microsoft?
    Answer: Bill Gates बिल गेट्स.
  26. What is the chemical symbol for silver?
    Answer: Ag
  27. Which country is known as the “Land of the Rising Sun”? उगवत्या सूर्याचा देश.
    Answer: Japan
  28. Who discovered penicillin? पेनिसिलीन चा शोध.
    Answer: Alexander Fleming
  29. What is the world’s largest ocean ?
    Answer: The Pacific Ocean
  30. What is the capital of Australia?
    Answer: Canberra कॅनबेरा
  31. Who wrote the novel “1984”?
    Answer: George Orwell
  32. What is the chemical symbol for sodium?
    Answer: Na
  33. Which element is diamond made of?
    Answer: Carbon
  34. What is the main ingredient in hummus?
    Answer: Chickpeas
  35. Which is the only bird that can swim but cannot fly?
    Answer: Penguin पेंग्विन
  36. What is the currency of Russia?
    Answer: Russian ruble
  37. Which planet is known as the “Blue Planet”?
    Answer: Earth
  38. Who wrote the play “Hamlet”?
    Answer: William Shakespeare
  39. Which animal has the largest eyes in relation to its body size?
    Answer: Giant squid
  40. What is the chemical symbol for oxygen?
    Answer: O
  41. Who composed the famous symphony “Symphony No. 9”?
    Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven
  42. What is the capital of Canada?
    Answer: Ottawa
  43. What is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide?
    Answer: CO2
  44. What is the only bird that can fly backward and upside down?
    Answer: Hummingbird
  45. What is the largest city in the world by population?
    Answer: Tokyo, Japan
  46. Who wrote the novel “Pride and Prejudice”?
    Answer: Jane Austen
  47. What is the capital of Brazil?
    Answer: Brasília
  48. What is the chemical symbol for helium?
    Answer: He
  49. Which mammal is known as the “King of the Jungle”?
    Answer: Lion
  50. Who painted “The Last Supper”?
    Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
  51. What is the currency of India?
    Answer: Indian rupee
  52. Who discovered electricity?
    Answer: Benjamin Franklin
  53. What is the chemical symbol for potassium?
    Answer: K
  54. What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
    Answer: Cocoa beans
  55. Who wrote “The Catcher in the Rye”?
    Answer: J.D. Salinger
  56. What is the capital of South Africa?
    Answer: Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Cape Town (all three are capitals)
  57. What is the chemical symbol for nitrogen?
    Answer: N
  58. Which gas makes up the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere?
    Answer: Nitrogen
  59. Who painted the famous artwork “The Persistence of Memory”?
    Answer: Salvador Dalí
  60. What is the currency of the United Kingdom?
    Answer: Pound sterling

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